Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quick Stylee Lunch Post #1

Stream of consciousness in 6 minutes.  Go...

I am going to pick up a guitar tonight but most likely after American Idol and hopefully I won't be too tired to play for a little bit and maybe make up a song and record it on video or maybe even on my computer with guitar part and vocal part because that tends to come out better from an audio sense.  Or maybe I should redo the vocals for the last song that I wrote which was a rip-off slash and i just sent a text message so i lost my train of thought which isn't a bad thing it just means that oh crap i just got interrupted again this is a lot harder than i thought and as i type my hand keeps hitting my iphone which makes it go to a different screen this type of blogging is pretty fun i might try and do it more often okay bye...

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