... can have meaning.
I walked to go get the mail today. Probably about 300 yards. Through the long driveway that leads in and out of our apartment complex. There was a cloud in the sky that reminded me of the "First Born Death Plague" in The Ten Commandments. Headlights from the Southbound 405 were reflecting off of a streetlight that had gone out above the complex garages. I sang a song idea into my iPhone recorder on the way back. There was a Trader Joe's insert in the mail. And Rachel's paycheck stub. And the Pennysaver. And our utilities bill. And a credit card offer from Capital One (What's in your wallet?)...
And I remember all of these details because...
I have no idea. Just another mundane Thursday night after a typical Thursday day that consisted of waking up and dropping Chase off at Kindercare and going to work and driving home and greeting Rachel and Chase when they got home and feeding Chase dinner (mac and cheese) and going for a run with Chase in the jogging stroller that Rachel got me for Father's Day and coming home and delaying my shower to coincide with Chase's sleep routine and then getting Pho for Rachel and Alerto's for me then watching Project Runway while reading Competitor and Triathlete magazine then watching other meaningless TV shows and coming upstairs to get ready for bed and realizing Kathy Griffin tickets are really expensive and seeing that movie times won't fit in our babysitter schedule on Saturday (thanks, Gretchen!!) then coming to the computer and starting this blog post...
Nothing special. Just another mundane Thursday.
But that's not true. It's not just another mundane Thursday. Because I choose to not label it mundane. Because a lot of rad stuff happened today if I just push aside all the boring stuff and get down to the meat and bones and sinew and organs of it all.
Mundane happens because we let it happen. For a day to be truly mundane, you would have to make a lot of little decisions (or not make them)...
What does it mean? Not really sure. But I know that it isn't mundane...
I don't know why, but I feel like this blog is a good example of how I should be writing the lyrical content for my songs...
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