Monday, August 15, 2011

The anticipation...

... is greater than the acquisition (or the execution).

I may or may not have blogged about this already...

Catalogs are rad. I am addicted to leafing through them and picturing how amazingly awesome it would be to have a vinyl player that converts vinyls to mp3s or a smaller mixer for live acoustic shows that doubles as a recording mixer straight to Firepod straight to laptop or a credit card reader app that would allow me to capture sales of merchandise or another guitar or another pair of running shoes or another book about triathlons or a swim-specific wetsuit or a new car or a computer desk or... (ad infinitum... ad nauseum...)

As Conor Oberst once said:
My mind races with all my longings
But can't keep up with what I've got

And it's not just about possessions. Ideas and plans and goals, too. Do I actually want to do a triathlon or do I just like the planning? Is it about finishing or is it about planning to finish? Am I really going to pursue an acoustic project that incorporates improv and live artists or is it just about what a great idea it is?

It's all just anticipation until you actually get that whammy pedal or compressor or microkorg... and have no idea how to utilize it... (off to the collecting dust pile)...

I'ts all just anticipation until you actually start training for that half-marathon.. and burn out after a couple months... (off to the "hey, weren't you...?" pile)...

Stop getting off on the anticipation, Glynn.

Work on the acquisition. Work on the execution. And remember that it's not about a moment in time when everything is finished. It's about staying hungry, staying focused, checking things off the to-do list, and building a more extensive to-do list to work on tomorrow...

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