Friday, April 27, 2012

Quality Control, Professionalism, and Differing Tastes

I remember hearing somewhere that the difference between a $100 guitar and a $2000 guitar is the percentage of quality instruments made out of 1000. 1 out of 1000 guitars that cost $100 will be exceptional; the rest will fall somewhere between adequate and downright terrible. However, out of 1000 guitars that cost $2000, 980 of them will be exceptional and 20 of them will be less than that... but still way better than a $100 guitar. And that's what you're paying for... the ability to control the type of quality you'll be receiving.

Damn... there's gotta be some sort of nifty graph or pie chart or graphic that I can find to support that last paragraph... GOOGLE QUEST!!

Wow... I never took statistics, and I'm damn glad. Let's just say my google quest led me to pages that probably related to what I'm talking about, but I couldn't possibly understand them or hope to utilize them for this blog post...


What was I saying? Oh yeah... quality control, difference between $100 guitar and $2000 guitar... blah blah blah...

It's kinda like the difference between community theater and Broadway.

You're paying $5-$30 for a community theater show. You're paying anywhere from $110 to $260 for a Broadway show. There will be issues with the community theater show: lighting cues will be off, the costuming or set design or direction or acting might be sub par, sound might not be done very well. The Broadway show is going to be on point with everything. The determining factor with whether or not you enjoy the show will pretty much be a matter of taste. There won't be any logistic issues preventing your enjoyment (at least there shouldn't be).

It's kinda like the difference between being an amateur and a professional.

Amateurs are hobbyists and do things because they enjoy them but don't get paid to do them. Professionals enjoy what they do (hopefully), and people pay them for the services. And professionals had better provide those services error free close to 100% of the time... otherwise they won't be in business for very long. Whether you're a professional plumber, doctor, actor, musician, basket maker... people depend on knowing that you'll deliver exactly what they want when they want it.

Quality control is why:

- Apple beats Dell
- Honda beats Chevy
- The Voltaggio Brothers beat the guy behind the grill at Outback Steakhouse

Of course, those comparisons are a matter of opinion. And all people have different tastes... or are just not as willing to spend money for quality... or just don't give a shit...

But for the most part, the cream rises...

In other words... be exceptional or be forgotten...

Hmmmm... my blog posts are really circuitous...

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