Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Death (and Rebirth) of the Attention Span

Netflix, DVR, Tivo... all let us skip commercials.

No one listens to full albums anymore.

Reality shows offer opportunities for fame based on nothing.  (For the record, I recently auditioned for a reality show.  And it was one of the best experiences of my life.  And I am supremely happy I didn't get chosen.  And I am horribly disappointed I didn't get chosen.)

Bloggers jump from subject to subject and digress to ever longer unrelated tangents in their own posts...

Ke$ha... Justin Bieber... 3Oh!3... will they be remembered or will they just live in infamy for being able to strike while the iron was hot and eke out a modicum of success?

Now, now, now... me, me, me...

I don't even have the patience to finish this blog.

But if you go through the motions and keep pushing, eventually something good will happen.

You'll stumble upon a good song.  Or you'll make a customer happy at work.  Or you'll find a way to make your son laugh.  Or you'll learn how to make really good pancakes.

There are several goals in mind that will require my utmost attention:

- Finish a Marathon in Less than 5 Hours
- Record and release an EP with Oh Girl
- Record and release a solo album

Goals 2 and 3 are closer than goal 1.  And somehow all 3 goals are connected...

Run Log #1

Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 21:30

Soundtrack- Battles

10 mins of easy jogging.  Getting back into the swing of things.  Building a base before starting a 4 month marathon training program.

GOAL: Carlsbad Marathon on Sunday, January 23, 2011.


warm up
cool down
push through
look around
and see

left, right
take a breath
keep track
of the mess
your head

run fast
run slow
get off your ass and go

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Subject Matter for Songs

The inability to not mimic my baby son while he's eating...

Proposing on a Sunday while watching the Office

Vegan babies ftw

Foursquare, angry birds, and twitter have stolen (saved) my life...

Running is the best and worst idea I've ever had

The hipstamatic app doesn't mean I'm a photographer, but it sure is fun to pretend...
Main Street at night is Rachel's favorite

Chase is wearing the pajamas that are like crib sheet camouflage

My jingle moves more units than yours...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This Whole Writing Something Worthwhile Thing is Difficult...

The only difficult thing is sticking to your guns.  Making sure you know what you're trying to do. 

But what if I don't want to stick to one thing?  What if what comes out naturally is always different?  What if I just want to half-ass everything and dupe people into thinking I'm talented when it's all just a farce?

Why would anyone want to do that?

Sometimes when you plan it out, it all goes wrong, and when you shoot from the hip, it goes so right?

The point is being in the right place at the right time is better than being in the right place but being unprepared and not being confident enough to say, "This isn't the right place yet, but it sure is fucking fun being here right now, and even if this is never the right place, at least I was here once."  Or something like that...

And sometimes not making sense is all you can hope for...

I'll tell you all the things I'm not
I'm not the guy who follows through
I'll tell you all the things I want to be
I want to be the one for you
It's easier in the middle of night
When you're asleep and there's a cat in the way
But almost there is not quite good enough
I just don't want to make the same mistakes...

Friday, June 11, 2010

iTunes on Shuffle

Last couple bands to pop up on my iTunes while it's on shuffle:

The Postal Service
Elvis Costello & the Attractions
Of Montreal
The Offspring
The Subways

This is the most attentive and excited I've been while listening to iTunes in a long time...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Snippets of lyrics

there's six strings attached to you, and i'm trying to do the best that i can do.  please believe me...

i'm a mess.  i confess that the rest of my night will be spent surreptitiously stealing a view of you

i had a girl.  she went and spent me.  if she hadn't, we might never have ended.  we played some games.  stuck to what was easy.  thought that we were happy.  what did we know?

you know where to go when you're trying to run, don't you?

you hold your head up by yourself, i hoped that it would last longer than it really has...

i bought the friends box set just for you, and then a penguin that you could wear around your neck...

i'm sitting naked in my bedroom on a saturday morning writing a song about you

don't tell me things i already know.  i'd much rather be surprised than placated.  do tell me how you'd feel if i throw away one more day.

uh oh.  he's up again.  time to clean shit...


You can hear almost all of these lyrics in video demos of my songs at my youtube page.

And here's a picture of my feet on a guitar case:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Solo Album Inspiration

Moldy Peaches

Ben Kweller

Rivers Cuomo

Glen Hansard

Calvin Harris

Calvin and Hobbes

Hobby horses

Liar, liar, liar (Me, of course)...